Sunday 10 April 2011


The coveted Blue Badge!
Well, received the good news on Thursday afternoon. I have passed all of my exams and I am now officially a Blue Badge Tourist Guide for South East England! How exciting! Badge giving ceremony in a month's time at Rochester Cathedral.

Celebrated with a tour of Brighton for a group of American University students on Saturday morning and a Treasure Hunt in the afternoon, thanks to

This week must get cracking with sorting out tours, walks and talks. They all take up so much time to prepare, but it will all be good in the long run. I will also start work on my website too, and the logo is beginning to come together thanks to a friend who is helping me.

Even better, the weather in South East England this week has been glorious, and I hope it continues to be!

Remember, for group or individually bespoke tours, please do not hesitate to contact me, your South East England Blue Badge Guide, Catherine Pitt on 07759 226060 or via email -

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