Tuesday 26 April 2011

St George's Day, Easter and Royal Wedding!

Has been a while since been on, I've been a busy bee! Weather has been glorious here in the South East for the past 3 weeks, let's hope it keeps up for the Royal Wedding day. Do let me know if you are doing anything for it? I think we'll be having a little picnic while watching it. Plenty of places in the South East are doing street parties though.

I had a fun job in Brighton a week back which was a Ghost Tour for a group of Dutch schoolchildren. Managed to scare a few of them which their friends found funny!

St George's Day was on Saturday, and I went up to London with some friends. We called into Leadenhall Market which is normally quite quiet at weekends, but there was a real knees up going on with a Pearly King and Queen there, and a band playing classic tunes, and even the Pearly King joined in on the spoons!! Some St George's ale was consumed and we all wore red roses in our hats to get into the spirit of things.

It has felt like summer but I keep having to remind myself that it's only April. First BBQ of the year though was on Easter Sunday.

A lot of people are taking the 3 days off between the Easter weekend and the Royal wedding/Mayday weekend, as they can get 11 whole days off for 3! Lucky them! It never stops being a guide, but that's all part of the job.

Surprising how much time planning tours takes, but you dig up some gems of information. Had a good morning today getting in contact about a possible job in July. It's all ideas at the moment, but will keep you all posted when things are confirmed!

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