Wednesday 23 March 2011

Off to London today for a bit of me time, enjoying some of the museums and galleries I haven't had time to go to this last year while studying for this course. Then I'm staying over with some friends as I have a CPD (Continued Professional Development) day tomorrow in Greenwich. Very excited as never been and after our lecture on Saturday it looks great. I will then be able to take people there for a tour around Greenwich if asked!

On this course we have also taken additional exams to be able to guide tourists around Hampton Court and Windsor Castle (though there some restrictions on guiding in both places, which of course as a guide you respect). Both are fabulous historic royal sites.

In the next few days I hope to get some photos up and facts on a few more places - such as Hampton Court, Canterbury etc... And of course I will keep you up to date with how things went at Greenwich! Keep following! 

Oh yes, and if you are on twitter - you can follow me there too - @cathdiscoversee

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