Friday 6 May 2011

Radical Bloomsbury Exhibition at Brighton Museum & Art Gallery

Was meant to have a tour yesterday in Brighton, but it was cancelled at the last minute. The perils of being a Tourist Guide! However, it did leave me time not only to help the rest of the day with planning some of the Brighton Treasure Hunts for which was much fun, but also to go and see the new exhibition at the Brighton Museum & Art Gallery.

Well worth a visit to the Museum anyway, if you are in Brighton, as it is FREE entry, although you pay for special exhibitions.

The exhibition, Radical Bloomsbury, opened my eyes to the early work of Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell (who lived in Sussex) and you could easily see through their work how they were influenced by the Post-Impressionists of Europe, as well as developing their own individual style. There were a couple of films on show too, plus some of the work from the Omega Workshop in London.

Its lovely to be able to spend some time seeing exhibitions such as this, and I am looking forward to planning a visit to the new Turner Margate (see previous blog).

Do not forget that on Saturday, 7th May, Brighton Festival and Brighton Fringe Festival begins and continues for the rest of the month. Lots of art, music, literature, dance, and comedy amongst other things. Two great festivals that really give an extra buzz to eclectic Brighton!

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